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National Institute for Healthcare Education
AHA Course Director

AHA allows authorized Training Centers to designate current, experienced AHA ACLS and/or PALS instructors to be ACLS and/or PALS Course Directors.  The Training Center must require Course Director Orientation before designating an Instructor as a Course Direcotr.  NIHE Online Course Director courses for ACLS Course Director and PALS Course Director meet the AHA Course Director Orientation requirement and must be completed BEFORE Course Director status will be approved by NIHE.   Course Director status is not transferrable from one AHA Training Center to another and must be renewed every two years.  An approved Course Director must be present at all times at all ACLS and PALS courses.

NIHE requirements to be an ACLS Course Director

1.  Have assisted with at least 6 ACLS courses as an assistant instructor under the supervision of NIHE TCF.

2.  Recommendation by NIHE Training Center Faculty as a potential ACLS Course Director.

3.  Completion of the online ACLS Course Director Course and submission of completion certificate to NIHE.  Go to:  ACLS Course Director Course to complete this free course.  This course is password protected.  Please email admin@nationalhearted.com to get access.

4.  Renewal of Course Director status is every two years when the instructor's ACLS Instructor card is renewed.  The instructor must serve at least 8 times as a Course Director every year in order to be eligible to have their Course Director status renewed and must be monitored as a Course Director at least once every two years by NIHE Training Center Faculty.

NIHE requirements to be a PALS Course Director

1.  Have assisted with at least 6 PALS courses as an assistant instructor under the supervision of NIHE TCF.

2.  Recommendation by NIHE Training Center FAculty as a potential PALS Course Director.

3.  Completion of the online PALS Course Director Course and submission of completion certificate to NIHE>  Go to PALS Course Director Course to complete this free course.  This course is password protected.  Please email admin@nationalhearted.com to get access.

4.  Renewal of Course Director status is every two years when the instructor's PALS Instructor card is renewed.  The instructor must serve at least 8 times as a Course Director every year in order to be eligible to have their Coruse Director status renewed and must be monitored as  aCourse Director at least once very two years by NIHE Training Center Faculty.


*The American Heart Association strongly promotes knowledge & proficiency in BLS, ACLS, & PALS & has developed instructional materials for this purpose.  Use of these materials in an educational course does not represent course sponsorship by the American Heart Association.  Any fees charged for such a course, except for a portion of fees needed for AHA course material, do not represent income to the Association.