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NIHE Talks Health January 2017
NIHE Talks Health January 2017
Jan 12, 2017
January 2017
To register for classes go to www.nationalhearted.com or call us at 800-773-8895
In this Issue: NIHE opening locations across the continent as a National AHA Training Center Referral coupon for $50 off your next NIHE class CPR Saves a Life—This Stuff Really Works! This month’s Heart Healthy Recipe—Macaroni & Cheese and Simple Cheese Sauce This month’s coupon--$25 off all ACLS courses at any of our public locations, all 2017 classes! Register today as classes are filling fast! January and February Class Schedule
Check out our new inspirations blog “Hope for the Journey”
AHA Awarded NIHE National Training Center status in 2016!! Previously, mentioned in this publication was the exciting news that NIHE is now a National Training Center operating in all 50 states. We did not ask AHA for this honor and privilege and so are extremely grateful for being awarded this high distinction. We have prayed and planned for ways to expand into geographic areas where we are not currently operating. We wanted to maintain our high standards for exceeding all AHA quality assurance requirements in all areas that NIHE and NIHE Training Sites operate and still maintain our top notch customer support.
Referral Coupon $50 off your next NIHE course booked on our website: www.nationalhearted.com Unlike most other AHA Training Centers that we have come across NIHE encourages all qualified Instructors and Training Sites to expand from just BLS and add ACLS and PALS. We teach you how to market and tell you what has worked for us and also, what doesn’t work. Our compensation growth is based upon our Training Sites growing. If you don’t grow we don’t grow. We try to break even on our affiliation fees (basically they cover the administrative and quality assurance costs mandated by AHA for Training Sites and Instructors) We make our profit on the student fees, so the more students you train the more we as a Training Center make and the more you make. We think this is the MOST FAIR Training Center—Training Site business plan out there. It is truly Win Win for both the Training Center (NIHE) and you the Training Site. If you know of any good educators out there that are looking for a WIN Win Training Site Agreement please let them know about NIHE and have them contact us at nihe@earthlink.net Be sure to tell us you referred them and you will get a FREE coupon good for $50 off your next NIHE course booked on our website www.nationalhearted.com
Starting this month we are rolling out our national expansion plan. The first areas we will be opening in are Orlando, FL; Phoenix, AZ; and Waco, TX.
We will be offering BLS, ACLS, and PALS Instructor courses and Training Site Orientation and Training in Orlando, FL Jan. 31-Feb. 3, 2017.
We will be offering BLS, ACLS, and PALS Instructor Training and Training Site Orientation and Training in Phoenix, AZ from February 17, 2017 to February 24, 2017. We will be offering BLS, ACLS, and PALS Instructor Training and Training Site Orientation and Training in Waco, TX from March 15, 2017 to March 21, 2017.
If you know anyone who wants to start their own AHA training site please have them check out our Training Site page on our website: www.nationalhearted.com Also, Dr. Stonebraker’s new book will be published on Amazon in both hardcopy and e-book format later this month. The title is: “How to Start a Safety Training Business” by our Program Director, Linnea Stonebraker RN, PhD.
CPR Saves a Life—This Stuff Really Works!
If you think that CPR is a waste of time and energy please read the article below.
Teen Being Hailed As Hero Andrew Wilson of Streamwood, Illinois, just 16 years old, is being hailed as a hero for saving the life of a young girl using a skill he thought he would never have to use: CPR. Wilson is a member of his local police department’s “Explorer Program for Youth”. Part of that program is taking CPR classes. Last week, Andrew was in Peoria, a town about 3 hours south of Chicago with his teammates for an annual chess tournament attended by many schools in Illinois. The team was having dinner in the lobby of their hotel when they suddenly heard many people yelling and screaming for help. The sounds were coming from the pool. A seven-year-old girl was having a seizure, and her grandfather was desperately trying to find someone who knew CPR. “I was surprised that what I was doing was working because I never did it in real life,” Wilson said. Andrew sprang into action. He started giving breaths and compressions. After about 40 compressions, the girl regained consciousness and began to breathe. “I was surprised that what I was doing was working because I never did it in real life,” Andrew said of the incident. He immediately called his father, Office Greg Wilson, to tell him what had just happened. Greg is obviously very over the moon that his son had saved someone’s life. “I was very proud and was just trying to reassure him that what he did was awesome and great and it worked out,” he said. Andrew Wilson hopes to follow his father’s footsteps to a career in law enforcement.
This month’s recipe:
Cold wet weather is all over the country this month. Comfort food is perfect in this kind of weather and Macaroni and Cheese is top notch comfort food. Traditional Macaroni and Cheese is full of animal protein, fat, and salt, all things that contribute to all of the lifestyle diseases (heart disease, diabetes, stroke, osteoporosis, kidney failure, hypertension etc.) that are killing Americans at an alarming rate. This recipe has none of the bad stuff but it is still scrumptious! I get asked for this receipe over and over. The simple cheese sauce can be used to make nachos, over steamed broccoli, lasagna and any other place where a great cheese sauce is needed.
Macaroni and Cheese
4 cups cooked whole wheat macaroni 2 cups Simple Cheese Sauce
Simple Cheese Sauce
1 cup raw, washed cashews 2 cups water ½ large or 1 small red bell pepper or ½ jar Trader Joe’s roasted red peppers 1 ½ teaspoon salt 1 Tablespoon onion powder 2 Tablespoons nutritional yeast flakes 1 ½ teaspoons garlic powder Place all ingredients in blender and blend smooth (about 2-3 minutes). Then bring to a boil , stirring until thick. Use for mac & cheese, burritos, nachos, pizza, lasagna, etc. Lite cheese option: Use only ½ cup cashew nuts plus 1 Tablespoon cornstarch.
Mix both ingredients together and bake at 350?F for 25 minutes.
Coupon Code: Enter this code at checkout to get $25 off any ACLS classroom course Provider or Recert at any of our public locations. (This is not good on private classes). You must register online before midnight January 16, 2017 to get this discount. Coupon code: nihe2017
Check out our website for 2017 classes. You can use the discount code above not only for 2016 but also, for 2017 PALS classes. Our classes fill fast so register today at www.nationalhearted.com or call us direct at 800-773-8895.
NIHE Upcoming Class Schedule: (Go to http://www.nationalhearted.com/page/page/3972534.htm to see our calendar and register or call us at 800-773-8895 to register)
January 16—ACLS Renewal, BLS Colton, CA January 18—BLS Instructor Colton, CA January 19 & 20—ACLS, PALS, NRP, & BLS Walnut Creek, CA January 25 BLS Colton, CA January 25 & 26ACLS, PALS, NRP, & BLS San Jose , CA January 30 & 31—ACLS, PALS, NRP, & BLS Colton, CA January 30 – BLS Instructor Orlando, FL January 30—BLS Provider Orlando, FL January 31 & Feb. 1—ACLS Instructor Orlando, FL February 1 & 2-- ACLS, PALS, NRP, & BLS San Francisco, CA February 1—ACLS Recert, Orlando, FL February 1—BLS Colton, CA February 2 & 3—PALS Instructor Orlando, FL February 3—PALS Recert Orlando, FL February 7—BLS Colton, CA February 8 & 9 A—ACLS Instructor Colton, CA February 9—ACLS Recert Colton, CA February 13-- ACLS, PALS, NRP, & BLS Colton, CA February 15—BLS Instructor Colton, CA February 15—BLS Colton, CA February 15—BLS Instructor Vacaville, CA February 15—BLS Vacaville, CA February 16 & 17—ACLS Instructor Vacaville, CA February 17—ACLS Recert Vacaville, CA February 17—BLS Instructor Phoenix, AZ February 21 & 22—ACLS Instructor Phoenix, AZ February 22—ACLS Recert Phoenix, AZ February 23 & 24—PALS Instructor Phoenix, AZ February 24—PALS Recert Phoenix, AZ February 21 & 22-- ACLS, PALS, NRP, & BLS Vacaville, CA February 22—BLS Colton February 27 & 28-- ACLS, PALS, NRP, & BLS Vacaville, CA
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The American Heart Association strongly promotes knowledge and proficiency in BLS, ACLS, & PALS, & as developed instructional materials for this purpose. Use of these materials in an educational course does not represent course sponsorship by the American Heart Association. Any fees charged for such a course, except for a portion of fees needed for AHA course materials, do not represent income to the Association

*The American Heart Association strongly promotes knowledge & proficiency in BLS, ACLS, & PALS & has developed instructional materials for this purpose. Use of these materials in an educational course does not represent course sponsorship by the American Heart Association. Any fees charged for such a course, except for a portion of fees needed for AHA course material, do not represent income to the Association.