October 24, 2022 @ 4:38 PM

"My Cup Runs Over"

David said, "My cup runs over."  Ps. 23:5 NKJV  He was recounting the blessings of God in one of his most famous psalms.  I think it is interesting that no matter how big our need or our capacity to receive, God's blessings are greater!   What a good thing it is that God doesn't limit Himself to only giving us the blessings we ask for or base the size of the blessing on the size of our belief.  He tells us in Eph. 3:20 that He gives "exceedingly, abundantly more than we can ask or imagine."  God's blessings are bigger even than anything we can imagine!

How wonderful that our God doesn't stop pouring out His blessings into our lives when our...

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